Summary of the 27 September 2018 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at IrcLogs


Present: Martin Peres, Daniel Vetter, Harry Wentland,


Bryce Harrington, Keith Packard, Rob Clark, Taylor Campbell, Eric Anholt,


Agenda: xdc 2019, yearly report, fd.o merger

2 proposals for XDC2019.

Meeting adjourned because no quorum

Items discussed

2 XDC 2019 proposals, one a cold call by someone not related to the community.
Discussed, but can't decide because no quorum.
ACTIONS: Vote next meeting.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: yearly report
Reviewed it, but not approved due to lack of votes.
ACTIONS: Vote next meeting.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: fd.o merger
Some discussions on whether to open up membership to projects hosted on fd.o.
Consensus leaning towards not opening up membership.
ACTIONS: Harry to edit bylaws more
STATUS: Pending