Summary of the 04 August 2016 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at IrcLogs


Present: Peter Hutterer, Martin Peres, Daniel Vetter, Egbert Eich, Keith Packard, Rob Clark, Alex Deucher,


Bryce Harrington,


Agenda: gsoc, evoc, spi transfers, xdc

Board looking into ideas for part-time internships.

Get your talks in for XDC in Helsink!

XDC 17 proposal deadline is 21st Sept!

Items discussed

ITEM: gsoc
Running smooth.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: evoc
Board agrees that evoc should stay full-time, like gsoc. Discussed ideas for
alternative programs more suitable as part-time internships/contributions.
ACTIONS: Rob to look into options and gather ideas.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: spi transfer
No updates, but still pending
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: xdc
XDC Helsinki all going well, soon paper committee time. XDC 17 proposal(s)
coming in, board sets deadline of 21st Sept (XDC Helsinki).
STATUS: Pending